
Welcome to GCIQCS!

Where our dedication to GCIQCS services ensures than we are always responsive to client need and committed to provide effective solution of them.

GCIQCS is a pioneer global company providing Quality and standardization was established in 2021 , and we guarantee the highest standard meeting our customer expectation for prompt delivery GCIQCS is an accredited Certification Body and Compliance Service Provider operating to assure products do fulfil local requirements of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries for all companies wishing to market their products inside GCC as per the applicable local standards.

GCIQCS as a Certification body stands out the crowd due to its eminent customer service and following the contemporary business strategies. GCIQCS modulate its operations via our code of ethics policy focus on the following principles to avoid conflict of Interest and act Openly with responsibility and confines within the law and internationally accepted guidelines.

Company Policy:

GCIQCS is an accredited Certification Body and Compliance Service Provider operating to assure products do fulfill local requirements of United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for all companies wishing to market their products inside UAE and KSA, as per the applicable local standards for ESMA, SASO and GSO etc.

GCIQCS Dedication to Quality Services Ensures that we are always responsive to client’s need and committed to provide effective solution for them with our expert panel having vast experience in technical field.

1. Our Commitments

GCIQCS is always committed to provide top level standardization services not just a product, GCIQCS aim to provide timely, accurate and impartial conformity assessment to customers, by impeccable decisions as per related schemes and standard.

Top management, always stand up for Quality department and the whole team members, are accountable for the implementation of Company policy by:

  • Meeting customer expectation and requirements.
  • Timely internal audit for continual improvement in certification operations through resources provision and trainings for upgrading knowledge and supervision of related personnel.
  • Monitoring Quality Objectives and implementation Action plans for accomplishments.

GCIQCS employees will contribute to our GCIQCS Objectives which is Customer Focus and Highest Quality Services.

2. Our principles
  • To support our clients in achieving their goals of penetrating targeted GCC and Middle East markets by certifying them according to applicable schemes and related list of approved standards.
  • To offer all our services with credibility, reliability, integrity, and efficiency.
  • To exceed our customers’ expectations with innovative and adapted Pledge, Certification and inspection services for their operations and supply chain.

Our claim “Innovation, Excellence and Confidence.” represents the essence of the mission statement and slogan “Our Loyalty is Our Royalty’’ Ensures our commitment toward High Quality Services.

3. Non-discriminatory Conditions
  • GCIQCS bases the relationship with its clients on the principle of equal opportunity does not discriminate any applicant with respect to all aspects of the certification policies and procedures adopted by GCIQCS.
  • GCIQCS policies, procedures and services shall always be administered in a way that provide availability and convenient accessibility to all its clients whom activities fall under the scope of certification without any discriminative potentiality.
  • All GCIQCS clients are treated in the same unconditional non-discriminatory way regardless of the client size, service requested, certification type and scope needed. All what is required from applicant is to comply with certification requirements, which are equal and like all applicants.
  • On a regular basis, GCIQCS performs periodic revision to the specific scheme requirements and its own process of application submission, review, evaluation and decision, to assure that the procedures are limited to the specific desired scope of certification and that no unnecessary delayed or troubles are faced by applicant
4. Confidentiality:
  • • The protection of GCIQCS Client’s data is the responsibility of all members of GCIQCS.
  • All persons and committees having access to any client data are subject to the confidentiality provisions as per their Standard procedure.
  • GCIQCS Services shall have adequate arrangements consistent with applicable laws to safeguard confidentiality of the information obtained during its certification activities at all levels of its organization, including committees and external bodies or individuals acting on its behalf.
  • All GCIQCS team members (employees, independent experts, Management, etc.) shall maintain the confidentiality of the information referenced above. Confidentiality of such information is addressed in the agreements signed by independent/ subcontractor experts and all other team members. Within GCIQCS, confidential information should be discussed only with those who, according to their position description, play a role in the different steps of the Certification Process.
  • Where the law requires information to be disclosed to a third-party, the client shall be informed of the information provided as permitted by the law. This is conveyed through signing the certification agreement.
  • Any 3rd party other than GCIQCS (Accreditation bodies, subcontractor, client) involved in certification activities, must sign the confidentiality (non-disclosure agreement) to gain access to the specific information needed to perform a specific task.
  • All the Employees of GCIQCS understand confidentiality procedure upon appointment and needed to sign Non – Disclosure Agreement – STAFF for ensuring their obligation to ensure non-disclosure for company and client Confidential Information and Proprietary Data. Further trainings for Code and ethics are provided for them for further provision for keeping information confidential
5. Independence Declaration
  • GCIQCS represents an independent legal entity having its own departments: including Quality, Conformity, Business Development, Human Resources, and Finance Department
  • GCIQCS does not receive any financial support other than the invested in it (including deposits) and the sales of its services.
  • GCIQCS connects with business relationships with subcontractors for all other activities that might be needed to the certification process. Those subcontractors went under constant evaluation and monitoring and needed to sign declaration to ensure the impartiality of its certification activities is not compromised.
  • GCIQCS does not certify any organization either fully or partially owned subsidiary of GCIQCS. Where they represent the designer, manufacturer, installer, distributor or maintainer of the product aiming to be certified.
  • GCIQCS does not Provide any consultancy services either for client management system of consultation for product development process or either provide internal audit for client management system.
  • GCIQCS does not promote any consultation companies or any other company that is working in consultation within the scope of certification adopted by GCIQCS. in this regard, GCIQCS does not deceive their clients for seeking consultation by implying or declare that certification would be simpler, easier, faster or less expensive if a specified consultancy organization were used.
  • GCIQCS certification Services and activities are promoted and marketed independently not linked to any other services whether it is consultation, testing, or any other services that might be needed by clients.
  • GCIQCS does not pay any commissions to consultants therefore there can be no pressure exertion on the certification body by consultant or any other party.
  • GCIQCS does not allow any pressure from other certification bodies, clients, consulting organizations, subcontractors, to influence the certification process in the organization.
  • GCIQCS Personnel are specialized in performing the certification activities including reviewing, evaluating, decision making, they are not at all interfered in any activity related to consultancy for the scope specified in the certification activities.
  • In case GCIQCS personnel has a previous working experience in consultation for the same scope of certification activities, at least a period of 2 years would be mandatory for these personnel not to get involved with any consultation activities of the scope specified in the certification activities to ensure that the review or decision does not compromise impartiality.

Top Management is committed for full compliance and monitoring proper implementation and continual improvement.

Impartiality Policy:

GCIQCS is the legal entity responsible for certification activities. This Policy and Public Statement refers the mechanism followed by GCIQCS for its Impartial Certification activities. GCIQCS’s Top Management, Managers and Staff fully understand the importance of impartiality and ensures in undertaking its certification activities. GCIQCS is structured and managed in a way to safeguard its impartiality through having independent impartiality committee, and separation of all related interested parties in certification activities in terms of activity operations and decisions. To ensure the implementation of effectiveness of practices for safeguarding impartiality, following measures has been taken by GCIQCS.

  • GCIQCS Certificates are only issued once independent evaluation and review followed checked by independent authorized and impartial competent members committee to ensure that no interest shall prevail.
  • GCIQCS is not the designer, manufacturer, installer, distributer or maintainer of the product; Service, Process intended to be certified.
  • GCIQCS does not offer (and has never offered) management system consultancy or any other form of consultancy to companies or individuals.
  • GCIQCS does not offer (and has never offered) an internal audit service to companies or individuals.
  • GCIQCS does not receive any financial support different from the invested in it and the fees of its services.
  • GCIQCS does not outsource audits to a management system consultancy organization.
  • GCIQCS does not have (and will not form) any relationships with companies who offer consultancy, internal audit services.
  • Any current relationships with companies, organizations and individuals will be risk assessed on a regular basis to ensure that the relationship does not impact upon the impartiality of the certification process. The risk assessment will be undertaken by the Committee for Impartiality.
  • Individuals employed or Subcontracted by GCIQCS are required to document and record their current and past relationships with all companies. Any situation past or present which may present a potential conflict of interest is required by GCIQCS to be declared. GCIQCS will use the information to identify any threats to impartiality and will not use that individual in any capacity unless they can demonstrate that there is no conflict of interest. The risk assessment will be undertaken by the Committee for Impartiality.
  • GCIQCS will not allocate a member of staff or sub-contractor to a management system audit where any past relationship has existed. Exceptionally and at the discretion of the Operations Manager or Top Management an individual or subcontractor may be allocated to a management system audit where a past relationship has existed but there has been no relationship for a minimum of 2 years.
  • Each Employee of GCIQCS will undergo validation for no conflict at least once.
  • GCIQCS ensures that all certification Services and activities are promoted and marketed independently not linked to any other services whether it is consultation, testing, or any other services that might be needed by clients.
  • All employees will be reviewed at least annually to ensure that they remain impartial when conducting audits

All personnel of GCIQCS are committed to full compliance with this declaration. All personnel of GCIQCS including its Top Managements, Staff and Subcontractors are required to complete and sign the compliance of no conflict of interest, Non-Disclosure agreement and codes of ethics policy document

Anti-bribery Policy

1. Introduction:

GCIQCS Independent Quality Certification Services LLC (referred as GCIQCS) is the legal entity responsible for certification activities. This Policy and Public Statement refers the mechanism followed by GCIQCS to give confidence to all interested parties that GCIQCS does not engage in bribery or corruption of any form, or in any countries where it performs their operations.

GCIQCS is structured and managed in a way to implement the antibribery policy as an integral part of code of ethics applicable to all Employees and Third Parties involves or linked with services of GCIQCS. All personnel of GCIQCS including its Top Managements, Staff and Subcontractors are required to understand Anti-Bribery Policy and sign Code of Ethics and Anti Bribery Zero Tolerance Policy Agreement.

2. Responsibility for Compliance of Policy:

This policy applies to all Employees, Subcontractors, and all committees working with GCIQCS.

GCIQCS employee who receives a demand for a bribe or find any breach related to bribery matter must report the matter immediately to Top Management for immediate Actions.

It is the responsibility of all GCIQCS Employees, Subcontractors and Impartial Committee Personnel to understand and comply with this Policy.

3. Prohibition against bribes and improper payments.

GCIQCS Top Management Strictly Prohibits bribe in all forms, Either Gifts, Improper Payment, Hospitality or entertainments, i.e.

  • GCIQCS does not pay or offer any form of improper incentive for the purpose of securing business for GCIQCS.
  • GCIQCS does not engage the services of third parties to offer bribes, illicit commission on its behalf.
  • GCIQCS does not use the services of, consultants, partners, joint-venture partners or contractors in cases where it suspects that such partners may engage in corruption or other illicit trade practices= GCIQCS employees managing the use of an intermediary are responsible for regularly monitoring their compliance with the Code.
  • GCIQCS always perform Background checks (including media checks to highlight any previous unethical behavior and diligence interviews before entering the business relationship.
  • Employee of GCIQCS will face legal consequences as per UAE Law if they accept “gifts and privilege promise thereof” for a function transpired during their activities. (including potentially having his or her employment contract terminated).
4. Breaches and reporting
  • Breach of GCIQCS Anti Bribery Policy may result in disciplinary action for employees up to and including termination and/or referral to national law enforcement authorities.
  • Breaches of GCIQCS Anti Bribery Policy could also subject the individual who committed the violation to civil or criminal penalties, including substantial fines and potentially lengthy imprisonment.
  • For Business Partners, breach of this policy will lead to termination of the relationship.

Code of ethics Policy:

GCIQCS continues to grow as a truly global business built upon a solid and long-standing reputation which is probably its most important asset.

This reputation comes from the continuous application of the strong core values of GCIQCS shared by all employees and to which each of us within GCIQCS subscribes. Our core values reinforce unity and consistency and help promote a strategy of profitable growth.

In conformity with the requirements of our profession, the Code of Ethics describes values, principles, and rules applicable to all within GCIQCS upon which it has built its growth and relationships based on trust with clients, commercial partners and employees.

Meanwhile, our customers look to GCIQCS to be exemplary in its integrity in the performance of its services. Customers place a high value on integrity, impartiality and independence which are at the forefront of the daily concerns of all GCIQCS employees. Indeed, today, the reputation of the integrity of the services of GCIQCS has become one of its major selling points of which every GCIQCS employee should be proud.

It is therefore vital that every GCIQCS employee acts in compliance with the Code of Ethics and actively applies and defends its values, principles and rules for making compliance a vital part of our business process and future success, in order to preserve and enhance the reputation of GCIQCS as a socially responsible company.

All GCIQCS employees must ensure that their day-to-day decisions are taken in compliance with the requirements of the Code of Ethics. GCIQCS business partners, mainly subcontractors, contractors, and suppliers are also required to act in compliance with our Code of Ethics when dealing with GCIQCS or acting in its name.

We should all keep in mind that any violation of the Code of Ethics Values, principles or rules is a serious matter which could have damaging consequences (whether for individuals or for all GCIQCS) and may also adversely affect the reputation of GCIQCS. All GCIQCS managers must also strictly apply and comply with the Code of Ethics.

Each employee must:

  • Take the time to read carefully, learn and implement the Code of Ethics values, principles and rules in his or her day-to-day activities,
  • Seek immediate assistance from his or her direct line manager, when he or she has any concern or question about the application of the Code of Ethics.


These values are the very "essence" of GCIQCS, with which each of us complies. These values are:

1. Integrity and ethics
  • We act in good faith and with honesty and fairness.
  • We do what we say we will do.
  • We deliver our services based on clearly established contracts and well-defined actions.
  • We follow company policies and procedures.
  • We respect confidentiality of business and personal information.
  • We respect and apply local and international ethics and professional standards.
  • We provide information, instruction and training as may be necessary to ensure health and safety.
  • We meet our health and safety duties and responsibilities at work.

2. Impartiality and independence

  • We deliver professional and unbiased advice.
  • We draft reports which are accurate records of our findings in line with our best practices.

3. Respect for all individuals

  • We treat others the way we would like to be treated.
  • We always consider how our actions will affect others.
  • We recognize, and value individual contribution and we give accurate and constant feedback on individual performance.
  • We respect differences, care about others and do not discriminate against others based on nationality, ethnic origin, age, sex or religious or political beliefs.

4. Social and environmental responsibility

The growing commitment of GCIQCS and of its employees to social responsibility creates new challenges to combine profitability and accountability. We all respect the community, people and the environment in which we live, and work and we always consider the impact of our actions upon the community, people and the environment.


1. Rigorously apply our Code of Ethics

1.1 Our development and our growth are also built on our core principles which apply, without any exceptions, to all GCIQCS employees and business partners, subcontractors, agents and suppliers.

The application of our Code of Ethics ensures the proper conduct of our day-to-day business. Each GCIQCS manager and employee must know and apply our Code of Ethics

1.2 Our conduct must always be governed by the principles of transparency, honesty and fairness.

Many activities are not the subject of laws, regulations or other mandatory requirements. In such cases, principles of transparency, honesty and fairness will conduct and influence our course of action, whenever laws or regulations do not clearly state what we should do. It is the responsibility of each GCIQCS employee to examine each situation against this standard

No employee may act in a manner which infringes our values, principles or rules of our Code of Ethics, or which involves committing a violation of any applicable laws or regulations, on the grounds that it is in the interests of GCIQCS to do so.

No performance objectives should be imposed or accepted if they can be achieved only by compromising these laws or regulations.

1.3 We are committed to comply fully with the laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate the reputation of GCIQCS for integrity is built on its respect for, and compliance with, those laws, regulations or similar mandatory requirements, that apply to the conduct of its business.

It is the personal responsibility of each GCIQCS employee to comply fully with the laws and regulations of the countries in which he or she performs a service.

Activities which could involve GCIQCS in unlawful practices are prohibited. Compliance with our Code of Ethics requires ethical values beyond that of simply being within the law or the regulation. However, if abiding with the Code of Ethics or its principles and rules of application leads to infringing local laws and regulations, the latter should always prevail and must be complied with.

2. Fighting bribery and corruption:

GCIQCS is fully committed to fighting all forms of bribery and corruption in every country in which it operates.

No GCIQCS employee shall promise, offer or pay, whether directly or indirectly, any bribe to any person in order to procure orders or to obtain any other benefit for GCIQCS.

No employee of GCIQCS shall, in the course of his or her duties, solicit or accept, whether directly or indirectly, any bribe from any person.


1. Integrity of our services

We must avoid situations in which our professionalism, independence or impartiality may be compromised. We are committed to examining and dealing with such situations openly and transparently.

Our work shall be carried out honestly in a professional, independent and impartial manner, with no influence tolerated with respect to any deviation from either our own approved methods and procedures or the reporting of accurate results or findings. We must not bow to any pressure or influence to change our results or findings.

Data, test results and material facts shall be reported in good faith. Our reports, test results and certificates must accurately state the actual findings, professional opinion or results obtained.

Through our processes and controls, we ensure the integrity of our services.

2. Integrity of documents and information supplied

Each GCIQCS employee is personally responsible for all the information he or she provides and for all the documents he or she produces, such as, but not limited, to reports, test results and certificates.

All GCIQCS employees must ensure that such information and documents communicated by them, including through IT systems, internally, or, externally to customers, contain reliable, truthful and complete information.

This also applies, among other things, to information and documents in respect of human resources, finance, legal and documents submitted to governmental or regulatory authorities.

3. Integrity of financial and accounting documents

All financial and accounting information must be duly and correctly recorded in GCIQCS books and accounts and should, in no case, be the subject of incomplete, erroneous or fraudulent treatment. All entries must be justified by the appropriate items of proof, in good faith.

All documents must be stored in accordance with the applicable laws and GCIQCS procedures.

4. Internal control of financial and accounting information

Internal control objectives are to ensure the quality and reliability of the financial and accounting information supplied.

Each GCIQCS business unit or department manager is responsible for internal control in conformity with GCIQCS procedures.

GCIQCS managers must ensure that data recorded in the reporting system at half year and for the end of year closure, are in line with the information due to be published, with the results of the period and with the financial position at the end of the period.

5. Fighting bribery and corruption
  • We ensure all GCIQCS employees have knowledge that it is prohibited to solicit, accept offer or give directly or indirectly a bribe in the course of the performance of their duties.
  • We prohibit certain operations such as facilitation payments or kickbacks.
  • We submit to prior approval all political contributions, charitable donations and sponsorships.
  • We maintain accurate books and records which properly and fairly document all financial transactions.

It violates GCIQCS policy, and applicable laws may make it a criminal offence, for any GCIQCS employee to solicit or accept, directly or indirectly, a bribe in any form (money, gifts, services or other benefit) to induce such employee to do something he or she should not do, or, to induce such employee not to do something he or she should do, in the course of the performance of their duties within GCIQCS.

All GCIQCS employees must strictly comply with this code of ethics policy.

GCIQCS is fully committed to fighting all forms of bribery and corruption in every country in which it operates and to apply relevant local and international anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws in all jurisdictions within which GCIQCS is established or performs services.

6. Dealing with Business partners
  • We monitor the selection and the ethical behavior of our business partners: subcontractors, agents, main suppliers.
  • We require that our business partners comply strictly with national and international anti- bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations, and we seek to ensure that improper payments are not being channeled through intermediaries, joint venture partners, subcontractors, agents or suppliers.
  • We conduct our procurement practices in a fair and transparent manner.
7. Conflicts of interest

A conflict of interest is a situation in which GCIQCS interests differ from personal interests, with those of close family or of persons with whom we are involved in a personal or business relationship.

You should avoid such situations, which may influence your judgment even if you think your judgment is not influenced.

It is vital for you to be independent and to report any commitment or link which may create a potential conflict of interest.

We regulate all situations which may generate such conflicts. This includes outright prohibition in certain cases, and prior verification, notification, or authorization in other cases.

Examples of situations which we regulate:

  • To offer or to influence an offer of a job to a family member or to a person with whom you have a close personal relationship, without first having obtained approval of the person to whom you report.
  • To have a family or a close personal relationship with a person who is in your reporting line without having informed in writing your line Manager.
  • To have a family or close personal relationship with a person in a subcontractor, supplier or client of GCIQCS with which you are directly involved, without having informed in writing your line Manager.
  • To have a family or close personal relationship with a person in Competitor employed in the same area of business with which you are directly involved, without having informed in writing your line Manager.
  • To solicit directly or indirectly a personal gain granted to you as GCIQCS employee.
  • To accept appointments while being or remaining an Employee of GCIQCS outside of GCIQCS, without first having obtained approval of the person to whom you report.
  • To acquire directly or through relatives, friends or intermediaries an interest in a competitor, supplier or client, except as set forth in GCIQCS internal procedures.
  • To use goods or resources of the company which employs you, for your own personal use.

In case of doubt, stop and raise your concern to your direct line manager.

All declarations will be kept confidential and treated with discretion and respect.

8. Fair competition

We are committed to competing fairly and in compliance with antitrust and all other applicable laws. Competition or anti-trust laws typically prohibit agreements among competitors as to pricing or other competitive terms, or, as to the division of markets or business. Severe civil and criminal sanctions can be imposed if competition or antitrust laws are infringed by companies and/or their employees. All GCIQCS employees must strictly comply with all applicable competition or antitrust laws. When in doubt, any employee should seek advice from the direct line manager.

We shall present GCIQCS in a fair and reasonable manner and ensure that information supplied is accurate and unequivocal.

We must encourage total transparency when drafting commercial documents and promote the strengths of GCIQCS rather than highlighting the shortcomings or failings of our competitors.

We must not intentionally denigrate, libel or slander our competitors when discussing with clients, nor commit ourselves to providing a service which we are unable to supply, or claim that GCIQCS is accredited for a given service without checking first.

9. Observance of confidentiality rules

Protection of the confidentiality of information

All information received in the course of the provision of our services must be treated as, and must remain, strictly confidential, subject to authorized release.

All GCIQCS employees are personally committed to protect the information in their possession, and to ensure that it is kept confidential by employees working under their control, either by providing for specific contractual provisions in their employment agreements, or by the signature of confidentiality agreements, or by any other legally appropriate means. GCIQCS employees remain bound by these confidentiality obligations after leaving their jobs.

All GCIQCS employees are personally committed to protect the information in their possession, and to ensure that it is kept confidential by employees working under their control, either by providing for specific contractual provisions in their employment agreements, or by the signature of confidentiality agreements, or by any other legally appropriate means. GCIQCS employees remain bound by these confidentiality obligations after leaving their jobs.

10. GCIQCS intellectual property rights and trademarks

Technical, commercial, and financial information, software, methodologies, trade secrets, databases, inventions, know-how developed or acquired by GCIQCS, and information governed by non-disclosure agreements must be treated as (and must remain) strictly confidential. The use of such information must be restricted to permitted professional purposes, to the exclusion of personal purposes and should be shared with or given to authorized persons only.

11. Communication with the media

We develop active communications to reinforce GCIQCS image towards its customers and to the public, however such communications with the media may affect GCIQCS image.

Great care must therefore be taken to examine and verify it. Media relations are the responsibility of the Marketing Department. All statements to the media or responses to inquiries from the media shall be either handled through this department or coordinated by it.


GCIQCS documentation concerning ethics

The following documentation shall apply to all GCIQCS employees:

  • This Code of Ethics,
  • Declaration of No Conflict of Interest
  • Any other internal local or technical rules relating to ethics matters.

D. Scope of implementation

The Code of Ethics applies to all GCIQCS employees who are expected to comply with it, together with our business partners (i.e., subcontractors, agents and suppliers), who must adhere to this Code of Ethics in all their dealings with or on behalf of any GCIQCS company.

We must ensure that they are aware of the contents of this Code of Ethics and comply with it.

E. Ethics organization

GCIQCS “Quality Assurance Manager ", appointed by the CEO, is responsible for GCIQCS Compliance program. He deals with the Compliance problems within GCIQCS and supervises the implementation of the Code of Ethics.

Each manager is responsible to ensure that all employees are familiar with and apply the Code of Ethics policy, notably by providing his or her employees with a copy of the Code of Ethics, by training them, by informing them of their duties resulting from the Code of Ethics in simple, practical and concrete terms, and by ensuring that they understand that any violation of this Code of Ethics would constitute a serious violation of the employee’s duties.

F. Compliance with the Code of Ethics principles and rules

Compliance with the Code of Ethics principles and rules is included in the annual evaluation of each GCIQCS employee. Each GCIQCS employee shall have the opportunity to provide input on the development of the Code of Ethics at performance evaluations, staff training sessions or review meetings.

Any GCIQCS employee who fails to comply with the Code of Ethics shall be subject to disciplinary measures which may include the termination of his or her contract of employment. In all cases, the author of any violation shall in any case have the right to be heard and to defend himself or herself before a disciplinary measure is imposed.

If a GCIQCS employee believes in good faith that a rule or one of the principles laid down in the Code of Ethics has been or is about to be violated, he or she should inform his or her line Manager or Quality Assurance Manager.

G. Implementation of the Code of Ethics

Compliance with the Code of Ethics shall be checked regularly by Quality Assurance Manager, who shall submit their conclusions to the CEO.

For any questions or concerns regarding implementation or interpretation of the Code of Ethics, any employee is free to contact immediate direct line manager or Quality Assurance Manager. Upon request, the question must be handled with confidentiality and anonymity shall be preserved as far as it is reasonably practicable. Enquiries, complaints or feedbacks from external interested parties relating to the Code of Ethics should be sent to the CEO.

For any further information please write us at

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Geo Chem Middle East LLC

Office 1712, Metropolis Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


GCIQC Quality Certification Services

Unit 1108, 11th Floor, Tower C Unitech Cyber Park, Sector 39 Gurgaon Gurgaon HR 122003 India

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